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Team Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a code of behavior or conduct justified according to a reasoned value system. In addition to the course's code of ethics for purchases, each team has a code of ethics that defines guiding values for how they will work with each other in 2.009. Links to each team's code of ethics are provided below. Also, checkout the ASME professional code of ethics.

In addition, you may want to read the 2008 orange team's code of ethics, or perhaps the 2007 Green Team's code of un-ethics.

Red team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

Fundamental Principles
All members of the Red Team agree to:

  1. use their knowledge and skills for the advancement of the team's goals;
  2. be honest, impartial, and diligent;
  3. engage in safe practices throughout the course;
  4. learn from each other and team experiences;
  5. produce a product with a positive impact on the user;
  6. work effectively as a team.

Fundamental Canons

  1. In the interest of maintaining a strong, collaborative, and happy team environment, all team members will:
    1. maintain positive working attitudes;
    2. hold, and work towards, the overall team goals above their own personal motivations;
    3. provide effort and work of the highest quality in an efficient manner;
    4. respect all deadlines, both for the course and within the team;
    5. reveal to the team, and explain, their availability (or lack of) for tasks;
    6. feel comfortable adjusting their 2.009 workload to accommodate other commitments when needed; and
    7. recognize that, like themselves, each team member has their own strengths and weaknesses; and, thusly, is an essential member of the team.

  2. In the interest of safety, all team members will:
    1. use common sense;
    2. be properly attired for activities;
    3. wear required safety equipment (glasses, etc.), and dress safely;
    4. work safely and without endangering others;
    5. comply with all necessary safety and health standards that apply to the product;
    6. perform all user testing in a safe environment;
    7. work only while in a safe state of mind, having eaten and slept sufficiently and recently; and
    8. remind, or inform as needed, other team members of safety practices throughout the course.

  3. In the interest of maintaining open and effective communication, all team members will:
    1. give only honest, thoughtful, and constructive critiques;
    2. acknowledge and respond to feedback objectively;
    3. acknowledge, and listen to, all other team members' comments;
    4. keep the team updated on their progress regularly to allow for effective and timely allocation of team resources;
    5. communicate regularly with potential users to evaluate and test the product;
    6. seek help when they need it; and
    7. give help when and where it is needed with a positive attitude.

  4. In the interest of maintaining an open and trusting relationship with the team, all team members will:
    1. be honest about their experience, ability, and availability;
    2. be honest about their understanding (or lack of) of all team discussions and decisions;
    3. report findings and data honestly;
    4. report errors, whether their own or not, honestly and immediately;
    5. convey to users and customers all aspects, positive and negative, of the product;
    6. give honest answers to all questions asked by users, customers, advisors, consultants, and others;
    7. avoid bringing personal biases to the team environment;
    8. bring conflicts to the attention of the team; and
    9. appreciate and encourage honest communication at all times.

  5. In the interest of making rational and effective decisions, all decisions will:
    1. be made only when all team members are present, or permission and input have been received from absent members;
    2. be based on truthful information, research, and discussion, without regards to personal preferences or motivations;
    3. be made by a clear and rational method that is acceptable to all members;
    4. be made by a vote only when other methods have been exhausted;
    5. be accepted by all team members; and
    6. be upheld by all team members to the best of their abilities.

Green team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

  1. Work Habits: Team members will share responsibility in a safe and efficient manner.
    1. Team members will wear safety glasses, tie up long hair, and wear close-toed shoes at all times while in the lab.
    2. All tools will be put back where they belong after each use.
      1. An exception will be made if another team member requests that items be left as they are.
    3. A team member who is unsure how to safely or correctly perform a task will ask another team member or a shop assistant for advice.
    4. A team member who is asked how to safely or correctly perform a task will give advice as well as possible, or refer the asker to another person.
    5. The status of all work will be communicated frequently to the rest of the team.
    6. Team members will make use of the wide range of available resources and experience.

  2. Budget: Team members will use the budget responsibly.
    1. The team members will adhere to the 2.009 Purchasing Code of Ethics at all times.
    2. Each team member will be able to defend any potential purchases to the rest of the team prior to making them.

  3. Courtesy: Team members will be courteous and helpful and act in good faith when interacting with each other.
    1. Team members will adhere to deadlines strictly, whether course-imposed or self-imposed.
      1. In the case that a team member is having difficulty meeting a deadline, the team will be notified of the delay or request for extra help as soon as the team member is aware of the difficulty.
    2. Meetings will be scheduled no less than 24 hours in advance at times appropriate for all attendees.
    3. Team members will contribute to the creation of a stated purpose and general agenda for meetings and submit them to the team with sufficient time for feedback prior to the start of the meeting.
    4. Team members will arrive at meetings on time and prepared.
    5. Notes from each meeting will itemize important information, tasks, and decisions and published consistently to the wiki.
    6. Team members unable to attend a meeting will read the posted notes and direct any questions or concerns to teammates in a timely manner.
    7. Team members will not take on more work than that which still allows adequate time for sleep, other classes, and personal commitments.
    8. Team members will delegate work evenly in the way that is most beneficial to the entire team (highest quality results in the shortest time).

  4. Professional Integrity: Team members will conduct themselves honestly and with emphasis on collaboration for the success of the project.
    1. Team members will adhere to the MIT Academic Integrity policies at all times.
    2. Team members will document their work and sources of information that are relevant to the project in an accessible manner.
    3. Team members will respect one another at all times. Any criticism will be made publicly and respectfully.
    4. The needs of customers will be actively considered in decisions about the product.

  5. Communication: Team members will keep the team up to date on progress made and keep an open communicative policy.
    1. Team members will use email, text messaging, and the Wiki in order to document and communicate progress and important updates.Team members will stay current with the progress of others.
    2. All opinions will be heard and respected.
      1. Team members will not communicate with subsets of the team about major issues. Important issues will be brought up with either the SI's or the entire team.
    3. Advance notice will be given of impending important decisions.
      1. When advance notice is given, team members will research and document relevant information.
      2. Team members will ensure each person's research and opinions are considered as part of the decision making process.
    4. Team members will value, but not rely upon, input of instructors and other advisers.
    5. Communication with customers will be professional, courteous, and documented.

Blue team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

Safety is the top priority. To reiterate, no thing or combination of things is more important than safety. Team members will:

Team members will conduct themselves with integrity and honesty. They will:

Team members will:

Time will be spent on work only with a clear vision of how it helps achieve the next milestone AND overall goals. Team members will:

All team members will:


Team members will keep in touch with the team about their needs by:

Adherence to the Code
Team members agree to uphold practices consistent with the text of this Code of Ethics.

Yellow team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

Fundamental Principles
Team members uphold and advanced the integrity, brand, and duty of the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department by:

  1. Using their knowledge and skills for the betterment of mankind, improving current conditions
  2. Being honest and unbiased, ultimately having the client's best interest
  3. Being prime representatives of MIT Mechanical Engineering Department

Fundamental Canons
The Yellow Team will abide by the following:

  1. Truthfulness: "Team members will be honest in all situations pertaining to the project."1

    Team members are expected to present and describe data regardless of their findings. Any critical information should be immediately shared with the team.

    Team members should express their true opinions and concerns.

    "All behavior must occur in accordance with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology policies on academic integrity."1

  2. Work Habits: Team members will commit to putting forth their best efforts towards the project.

    Team members are expected to volunteer for various tasks, which complement their strengths and weaknesses.

    Team members are expected to be dedicated to the success of the overall project, meaning efficient, productive, and organized efforts.

  3. Budget: "Project budget money will be used in accordance to the rules stated by the course administrator."1

    "All services and products acquired should be paid for appropriately and used only for the purposes of the project. Purchases may only be returned unused and in good faith."1

    Only purchase necessary products and consider cheaper alternatives.

  4. Teamwork: Team members will respect one another while working towards a common goal.

    Team members will keep open communication with one another, providing constant updates and feedback.

    The total effort and time dedication of the project should be distributed equally amongst the team.

  5. Decision Making: Team members will discuss in depth the pros and cons of each option prior to making a decision.

    Decisions will be influenced by voting, but a majority vote does not necessary finalize the decision.

    Team members are encouraged to discuss their concerns and objections openly. The team will agree on a general consensus

  6. Behavior: Team members will be professional and productive. However, relaxation and laughing are allowed.

    Team members will respect one another and their ideas.

    Team members will positively represent the team inside and outside of the class/lab.

    Team members will have the upmost respect with clients/customer/funder/staff and will take in account their opinions.

    "Team members should be honest with themselves and the group about their availability (for example other commitments, stress level, or other resource limitations) and their abilities - they should not take on more than they can knowingly handle."1

  7. Coordination: Team members will work together in the most efficient manner possible to meet goals in a timely manner.

    Team members will be assigned to task forces. Task forces should be completed in parallel instead of in series. Task forces will have a definite goal and defined steps.

    Team members are required to provide detailed updates on the current tasks.

  8. Overall Goals: Team members shall all strive for a productive and enjoyable 2.009 experience.

    Team members should keep in mind the big picture of the project and not be entrenched in a specific task.

    Team members should be open to learn from 2.009, improve upon their strengths and weaknesses.

Notes: 1. Direct quotes from 2.009 Orange Team Code of Ethics 2008



Pink team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

  1. Show Ultimate Respect for Team Members

    1. Cultivate a Positive Work Environment
      Team members will treat one another with the utmost dignity. They will show respect for the ideas and opinions of their fellow team members by allowing for team members to express ideas, concerns, and opinions. Respectful actions include: not interrupting, addressing team members directly if there are problems, encouraging team members to take mental breaks when needed, and valuing others' time as highly as your own. At all times, team members will respectfully explain while their opinions without insulting fellow team members. All members will have equally valued opinions when shared with the team. The Golden Rule will be applied to team members.

    2. Safe Workspace
      Team members will work to create a safe workplace by maintaining (returning tools, keeping materials organized, cleaning up messes made, etc.) the cleanliness of the shop area. Team members may not use equipment in the lab when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or after having received insufficient sleep. Team members should not work with shop machinery alone. Team members should encourage and enable other team members to work safely.

    3. Transparency
      Team members will keep fellow team members informed of their progress, whether on track or falling behind. Team members should update each other on their progress by emailing whenever progress is made. If a team member is unable to complete his/her given tasks, they will ask for help on these projects, as soon as possible. Always ask for help. Inability to complete a given task consists (but is not limited) by the following: to the lack of time; lack of skills; and/or lack of necessary materials.

    4. Stay Active and Reliable
      Team members will remain active and allocate sufficient time to work on the project/class. All team members will strive to ensure that the team meets and is adequately prepared for all project deadlines.

    5. Integrity Regarding Future of Project
      If the team decides to pursue a patent on the product created, they will do so with the input of the entire team. The ownership of the patent will be decided with the full knowledge and input of all team members. Similarly, if the team pursues a business from 2.009, all team members will be consulted in the decision.

    6. Individual Humility
      We will take pride in and strive for the best from our team, but understand that each individual's contribution is minor compared to the whole. Our success comes from working together. Work together whenever possible. Have pride in others' work

  2. Maintain Financial Integrity

    1. Transparency
      The team (team members) will accurately report their use of team funds. This will be reported to one another, in addition to faculty. An updated spreadsheet will be kept regarding the monetary spending of the team, to be kept on the team Wiki.

    2. Respect for the Mechanical Engineering Department
      Students will recognize that the funds for this class are provided by the Mechanical Engineering Department (as a result of tuition and donations made). They will respect the funding and use the finances only for materials needed for creation of their project. They will not be wasteful in their purchasing of goods, and will return unnecessary materials. If there is a question or ambiguity about how funds should be spent, team members should contact the appropriate course staff.

    3. Follow Standards Set By 2.009
      Please refer to the 2.009 Code of Ethics

  3. Respect Professors, Mentors, and Technicians

    1. Respect of Advice and Knowledge
      Team members will show respect for the advice and knowledge given by their professors, mentors, and technicians. The will ask for advice from the aforementioned individuals with regards to the team's project concept, technical questions, and use of machinery. The advice will be noted and taken into account amongst all team members.

    2. Respect of Time
      The team members will show respect for the time availability of the professors, mentors, and technicians, this includes but is not limited to the change of email subjects, recognition of mandatory shop break times, and the expression of gratitude for additional time that these individuals allocate for our specific project. Team members should also be reliable and on time to all meetings (during lab time and outside of lab time) involving mentors, instructors, and shop technicians.

    3. Transparency – Truthfulness, disclosure, and candor
      All team members will be open about issues encountered during the construction and design of our project. They will ask for help from the professors, mentors, and technicians when they are uncertain how to proceed or use a given technology or tool.

  4. Respect the Community

    1. Obey all Laws and Regulations
      All team members will seek to adhere to local, state, and federal laws to the best of their ability during the design and completion of our product.
      Issues related to the intellectual domain will be addressed with openness and candor.

    2. Protection of the Environment
      Team members will seek to implement energy efficient technology in their product design. The will also use energy conservation techniques when in the lab or other open spaces. Team members will seek to understand the environmental implication of their product as they continue in the design process.

  5. Maintain High Standards of Team Professionalism

    1. Uphold ASME Engineering Code of Ethics
      Students will seek to uphold the standards set forth in the ASME Code of Ethics. For more information visiting the following webpage:

    2. Pursue best solution for product/collaborate with outside sources
      Team members will seek to pursue the best solution for the product, not merely an easy solution. They will think innovatively and contact outside sources for help as needed.

    3. Confidential Information
      All team members will keep confidential material that is revealed to us by outside sources, such as those in industry. They will respect the intellectual property of fellow team members, professors, and members of industry. Team members will also respect the privacy and rights of users, testers, and interviewees in regards to film, photographs, personal information, and any other items specified by law or the persons involved.

    4. Interactions With Customers and Users
      All team members will seek to provide customers and users with a positive, productive interaction. They will act with respect and integrity, as defined by ethics for interacting with other team members and instructors.

Orange team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

Purple team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

The 2.009 Purple Team shall uphold these principles:

  1. Honesty:
    1. Team members shall abide by MIT's Academic Honesty code.
    2. No member shall engage in false advertising or claim that the product does something that it cannot.
    3. Mistakes and problems shall be shared freely with the group. Feedback or criticism shall be given in a constructive manner.
    4. Timesheets shall be maintained to accurately reflect time spent.

  2. Teamwork:
    1. All team members shall work together towards the advancement of the team.
    2. The burden of the workload shall be fairly distributed throughout the team. Team members who feel overburdened or underutilized are responsible for bringing this to the attention of the team.
    3. No team member shall take on a task that he/she is unable to perform.
    4. Team members shall ask for help when they need it.

  3. Safety:
    1. Team members shall proactively strive to create a safe work environment.
    2. The safety of the user shall be the foremost priority when designing, building, and testing products.

  4. Respect for Intellectual Property:
    1. Team members shall accredit original authors and sources for used ideas and information.
    2. Team members shall keep accurate records in their lab notebooks of all work done towards the design of the product.

  5. Financial Responsibility:
    1. Team funds shall be used only for the advancement of the product and not for personal use.
    2. Reimbursements shall only be made on appropriate purchases.

  6. Respect for the Environment:
    1. Team members shall be environmentally conscious when designing products and processes.
    2. Team members shall use resources responsibly.

Silver team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

In order to promote a fun, productive, and respectful environment, Team Silver agrees unanimously to uphold, and to encourage other team members to uphold the following principles:

  1. Honesty: Team members will be honest to each and other stakeholders about all facts and situations pertaining to the project.

    Updates to the group will be comprehensive and legitimate- problems encountered will not be concealed, and all data and results presented must be legitimately found.

    Team members will not represent another's ideas as his/her own.

    Team members will use honesty in dealing with customers, interviewees, and client organizations.

    All behavior must occur in accordance with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology policies on academic integrity.

  2. Behavior: Team members will act respectfully, safely, and productively. Team members will be courteous and respectful to one another at all times.

    Safety is a top priority, and team members will do nothing that would endanger the safety of themselves or others.

    While fun is certainly encouraged, members of Team Silver will retain their focus on work and will not stray too far afield from the topic they are working on.

    Team members will represent the team well by working respectfully and professionally with customers, interviewees, and client organizations.

  3. Teamwork: Teammembers will recognize the importance of teamwork and strive to optimize productivity by encouraging cooperation and respect.

    Team members will respect each other's time by being on time to meetings.

    Team members will value each other's contribution by scheduling meetings to maximize participation and striving to attend all meetings.

    The team will assign tasks based on members' abilities and interests. As such, all members will be honest and forthright about their strengths and limitations.

    Team members should be honest with themselves and the group about their availability, strengthens, and limitations- they should never take on more than they can knowingly handle.

    Assigned task will have a clearly stated objective, which is known to and agreed upon by the team.
    Team members will honor the trust given to them by completing their tasks thoroughly and on time.

    Individuals shall work on their assigned tasks first before contributing to other assigned tasks.

  4. Decision Making: Decisions will be made fairly and appropriately, with all relevant information considered.

    Team members will listen to and consider the suggestions of others, and not interrupt while another is speaking.

    To aid in the full team's decision, team members will, to the best of their ability present all information relevant to a decision.

    Decisions shall be based on facts rather than opinions. The rationale of all decisions will be clearly recorded so that the decision can be reconsidered easily, if necessary.

    Team members shall not vote in order to hasten a decision.

  5. Communication: Knowing that clear communication is key to effective teamwork ,team members will communicate their actions and opinions quickly, succinctly, and clearly.

    Team members will update each other frequently, so that team can offer advice and help or change the scope and direction, as needed.

    Meeting minutes will be posted within 24 hours of the meeting for review by the team. Action items from the meeting will be clearly delineated and posted again specially for review.

  6. Financial Responsibility: Project budget money shall be efficiently used in accordance to the rules stated by the course administrator.

    Services and products acquired should be used appropriately, only for the purposes of the project.

    Wasteful and unnecessary expenditure will be avoided. Alternative vendors should be considered when appropriate, in order to minimize costs.

    Purchases may only be returned unused and in good faith.

  7. Experience: Team members will all strive to optimize their own and each other's 2.009 experience.

    Team members should keep the ultimate goal in mind and always think, "How does this task relate to the big picture?"

Team members acknowledge that this code is not comprehensive, and agree to uphold the spirit of the code, not just the letter.