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Team Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a code of behavior or conduct, justified according to a reasoned value system. The ASME provides us with a professional code of ethics.

A code of ethics is a code of behavior or conduct justified according to a reasoned value system. In addition to the course's code of ethics for purchases, each team has developed a code of ethics that defines guiding values for how they will work with each other in 2.009. Links are provided below. You may also want to read the 2007 Green Team's code of un-ethics.

Each team also has a code of ethics that defines guiding values for how they will work with each other in 2.009.


Orange team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)

The 2.009 Orange Team shall uphold the following principles:
  1. Truthfulness:  Team members shall be honest in all situations pertaining to the project.

    When updating the group, team members must reveal any problem that they encounter and present only legitimately obtained data.  If a significant obstacle to the product is discovered, such information should be immediately shared with the team.

    All behavior must occur in accordance with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology policies on academic integrity. 

  2. Work Habits:  Team members shall use common sense and practice appropriate behavior to maintain a safe and efficient work environment. 

    Team members will look out for each other’s well being, with safety as the top priority.
    Every assigned task should have a clearly stated objective, and tasks should be delegated to team members who know their strengths and weaknesses in order to maximize our team's efficiency. 

    When interacting with individuals outside the team, members shall represent the team in a respectful and ethical manner.  All interaction will be documented and archived for referral purposes. 

  3. Budget:  Project budget money shall be used in accordance to the rules stated by the course administrator. 

    All services and products acquired should be paid for appropriately and used only for the purposes of the project.  Purchases may only be returned unused and in good faith. 

  4. Teamwork:  Team members shall recognize the value of a team and work towards a collective positive end.

    Thus, team members must complete tasks given to them by the due date assigned in order to keep the team on schedule. 

    Further, team members should work together and maintain communication with the rest of the group, either by updating the Team Wiki or by effectively communicating with other members.

  5. Decision Making:  Team members shall not vote in order to make decisions. 

    The team shall consider all possibilities and make decisions based on data, specific experience, or solid knowledge/rationale. These reasons shall be made clear to the entire team and they shall be well documented.   

  6. Behavior:  Team members shall act appropriately and constructively.  However, relaxation and laughing are allowed.  Sleeping is required. 

    Team members should work on tasks that interest and challenge them. 

    Team members should be honest with themselves and the group about their availability (for example other commitments, stress level, or other resource limitations) and their abilities - they should not take on more than they can knowingly handle.  

    When interacting, team members shall respect other members' opinions and/or personal choices. Meanwhile, team members shall not take advantage of this spirit of mutual respect and exploit it at the expense of the team’s achievements. 

  7. Co-ordination:  Team members shall work together in the most efficient manner possible.

    Individuals shall work on their assigned tasks first before contributing to other assigned tasks.

    In order to maintain communication between assigned task forces, team members will reliably communicate and update availability and progress on assigned tasks.

  8. Experience:  Team members shall all strive for a productive 2.009 experience.

    Team members should keep the ultimate goal in mind and always think, "How does this task relate to the big picture?"

    Team members shall ensure that they share the same vision before investing themselves in their own individual contributions.

Silver team code of ethics (.pdf version)

  1. The goal of Silver Team is to conceive, design and develop a prototype of a viable consumer product while learning the fundamentals of Product Engineering Process.
  2. All Silver Team members shall respect the time and value of each other and those that assist us in the design process.
    1. Team members shall arrive on time to meetings and stay on topic.
    2. Team members shall be respectful of other members’ opinions and knowledge.
    3. In our presentations and interactions with potential customers, we will strive to be honest about our product and its limitations, as well as to give thoughtful consideration to the feedback we receive.
  3. Team members shall seek assistance for areas not within their expertise.  Such areas include:
    1. Any engineering discipline/concept a team member is not familiar with.
    2. Research and marketing.
    3. Communications and presentations.
    4. Health and safety.
  4. Team members will be responsible for their attendance.
    1. Silver Team members shall attend all lab sessions, make every attempt to attend outside meetings, check email and the Team Wiki often, and otherwise work to keep themselves involved with and informed about team progress.
    2. All team members shall contact their team as soon as they know they will miss a scheduled meeting, activity, or event.
    3. Silver Team members shall, when possible, give 24 hours notice for an unexpected absence.
  5. All Silver Team members shall strive to assist others on the team to keep the design project on track.
  6. Team members shall express their opinions to teammates, instructors, and team leaders whenever appropriate.
    1. Silver Team values group participation and recognizes that innovative ideas come from team efforts. To promote innovation, any team member feeling they can contribute to a design is encouraged to input their ideas.
    2. Any team member feeling Team Silver is engaging in dangerous laboratory, machining, electrical engineering or testing practices without taking appropriate safety precautions shall make their concerns known to safety officers.
  7. Team members are expected to complete assigned tasks and inform the team immediately if an emergency situation prevents them from doing so.
    1. Silver Team members are expected to finish their assigned tasks on time and to a standard that that allows other team members to build off their work and research.
    2. If a team member feels he or she has been assigned insufficient or overwhelming amounts of work, they are encouraged to request assistance from team leaders.
  8. Silver Team members shall maintain a working knowledge of their areas of focus within the project and subsystems being developed by other team members.  A clear explanation shall be given to team members who ask for one.
    1. Team Silver recognizes that team members have varying degrees of expertise in fields, and to make our design process constructive and educational for all members, team members shall explain concepts, designs, specifications, etc. to any team member who requests an explanation.
    2. Team Silver members shall read meeting minutes if they are absent from a meeting to stay up to date on the developments of other subgroups.
  9. Design decisions shall be made in an educated manner involving all team members who are assigned to a given problem.
    1. Mechanical and electrical design decisions shall be supported by sound engineering practice and physical experimentation.
    2. Industrial design decisions shall be made based on practical design parameters and supported by consumer and professional consultation.

Green team code of ethics (.pdf version)

  1. When in doubt, consult with the group.
  2. Need to address everyone’s ideas based on the merits of the idea, not on whose idea it is or which one you personally like best.
  3. Let everyone speak, and listen when they do.  Get input from everyone.
  4. Look to outside feedback or a vote when making difficult decisions.
  5. Don’t hold grudges after decisions have been made.
  6. Keep the team updated about your work.  Be open about your ideas and progress you have made.
  7. Use materials wisely.  Measure twice, cut once.
  8. User’s safety is most important.

Blue team code of ethics (.pdf version)

  1. Team Blue shall make the safety of the customers and engineers their utmost priority by observing safe machine shop practices and complying with industry standards.
  2. Team Blue shall always consider the mental and physical health of the engineers at stake when making team decisions.
  3. Team Blue shall always uphold honesty and academic integrity in communication with the team, with the customers, and with the 2.009 staff.
  4. Team Blue shall strive not to waste the limited resources of time, money, and materials by prioritizing and drawing upon each other's strengths.
  5. Team Blue shall ensure that our home assistive device adds value to the well-being of the intended customer by finding and addressing our customer's needs.
  6. Team Blue shall be tactful and respectful while interacting with all involved parties.
  7. Team Blue shall be objective and unbiased in listening to feedback and communicating viewpoints.
  8. Team Blue shall recognize that it is each member's responsibility to speak up, address, and follow through with any project-related issues that arise.


Yellow team code of ethics (.pdf version)

Yellow Team strives to uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and nerd pride of Course 2 by:

  1. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare and their 2.009 grade
  2. being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the homeful trapped in constrained spaces (apartments, small bedrooms, basements dungeons, and cardboard boxes), David Wallace, and the TA with the camera
  3. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department

The Fundamental Canons

  1. Team Members shall respect the schedules of their assignments and their peers by such things as being on time to meetings, checking e-mail often, and being honest about their availability and the timeframe of their given task.
  2. Team Members shall refrain from using team budget, materials, and tools for their own personal satisfaction by such things as taking responsibility for lost items, never stealing things from lab, and discussing all purchases with the team.
  3. Team Members shall be respectful of all others, team member or not, by such things as refraining from negative personal comments, helpfulness to peers both on the team and on other teams, and generosity in advice, tools, and labwork.
  4. Team Members shall always design their products with the safety and improved living conditions of their customers in mind.
  5. Team Members shall always design their products to the best of their ability, never taking shortcuts out of laziness or greed.
  6. Team Members shall always ask for help as soon as possible if their ability or knowledge happens to fail them.
  7. Team Members shall work in a manner free from individual attitudes, egos, and negative interpersonal opinions or relationships.
  8. Team Members shall put aside past differences, discussions, ideas, and products that have been deemed unsatisfactory and have no relevance to the work at present (i.e. GET OVER IT!).


Red team code of ethics (.pdf version)
  1. Keep all members of the team positively engaged—team members are interested in what they’re doing.
  2. All decisions should be made with safety and security in mind.
  3. Every task or decision should be verified with experience or research. Consult an expert in the field if needed.
  4. All team members should have an equal voice in decisions. Everyone should be able to reveal his or her opinion in an open, respectful environment.
  5. Never put anyone in harm’s way, physically or emotionally. No one should be forced to do anything that makes him or her feel uncomfortable.
  6. Respect people’s personal lives outside of school. Do not demand an unreasonable amount of time to complete a task.
  7. Don’t be overly positive when giving constructive criticism; be honest and truthful without offending anyone.
  8. Customers should be at the heart of all decisions.


Purple team code of ethics (.pdf version)

In order to create a pleasant working environment conducive to progress, the Purple Team has created these fundamental canons:

Team members should look out for the safety of anyone near.  Team members should speak up if someone is engaging in unsafe behavior, or proposing an idea that could neglect the safety of a future customer.

Team members will work with integrity and fairness by not presenting others’ ideas as their own and giving credit where it is due. Each team member will approach this project with a willingness to learn and accept challenges.

Team members will respect each other in times of conflict and refrain from negative comments about other team members.

Team members will keep all breakthroughs confidential within the team.

Team members will objectively evaluate ideas with constructive criticism.  In making team decisions, every decision will be based on reason.

Team members present information truthfully and honestly to public.

Team members do not sabotage other teams' ideas or projects.

The team will consult Dr. Wallace in the event that this code of conduct does not provide guidance in a situation.