Team Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a code of behavior or conduct justified according to a reasoned value system. In addition to the course's code of ethics for purchases, each team has a code of ethics that defines guiding values for how they will work with each other in 2.009. Links to each team's code of ethics are provided below. Also, checkout the ASME professional code of ethics.
In addition, you may want to read the 2008 orange team's code of ethics, or perhaps the 2007 Green Team's code of un-ethics.
Red team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
Always seek to do the best work possible with the resources available.
1. Team members will always keep safety as the top priority both inside and outside of lab and never place themselves or others in danger.
2. Team members should maintain a positive team dynamic through maintaining a positive and respectful attitude toward themselves and other team members, placing the needs of the group before their own needs, and allowing all members to have input in team decisions while being open-minded and flexible to the ideas and criticisms of others.
3. Team members will always consider customer needs over personal agendas.
4. Team members will exercise financial integrity in all uses of team funding. They will spend responsibly, making only purchases that are related to the team project and goals. They will not make purchases outside of team knowledge or for personal benefit.
5. Team members agree to make a sincere commitment to designing and developing the product, while at the same time respecting the outside commitments of both themselves and other members. All work will be distributed fairly throughout the team and members should only take on tasks that they can complete effectively.
6. Team members shall strive to maintain good communications and make the team aware of project progress in a clear, organized, and timely manner. Members should be aware of teammate’s efforts in addition to making the team aware of their own. Team members should report results of task force efforts with honesty and integrity, whether they are achievements or failures.
7. Team members will strive to uphold a high level of professional integrity in all aspects of their craft. Team members will maintain honesty by taking responsibility for actions, recognizing personal limitations, and never taking credit for work done by others. Team members will honestly assess their level of skill in a given assignment and always ask for help if a task proves too difficult.
Green team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
Fundamental Principles
Team members will uphold the integrity, honor and dignity of engineering at MIT by:
I. Using our knowledge and skill to create a green product for the benefit of society.
II. Being honest and respectful to our teammates as well to our clients.
III. Designing to the best of our abilities with the resources and time available.
Fundamental Canons
1. Safety: Team members will design and build a product in a manner that ensures the safety both of themselves and of the consumer.
- Team members will evaluate the safety of the experiments and work they will conduct, or will consult with the safety officer in order to be fully aware before proceeding with actions that are potentially dangerous to themselves and those around them.
- Team members should never feel unsafe while completing team assignments or tasks.
2. Honesty: Team members will be honest about all aspects relating to the project.
- Team members will be honest about any safety risks involved with running experiments or operating the product and any prototypes.
- Team decisions will be based on proper research, feedback, and consumer needs rather than on personal bias.
- Team members will only use 2.009 funding to purchase materials that are necessary for the progress or completion of the project.
- In addition to the above, all actions must comply with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology policies on academic integrity.
3. Helpfulness: Team members will offer help, especially in their areas of expertise, when help is needed.
- Team members will help the team accomplish goals and will ask for help in advance if they cannot meet a deadline.
- Team members will be proactive about finding or anticipating problems that need help solving.
4. Courtesy: Team members will respect each other’s opinions, schedules, and levels of experience.
- Team members will attempt to teach rather than exclude.
- Team members will provide constructive criticism when necessary.
- Team members will arrive on time to all meetings.
- Team members will respect the needs and schedules of others involved in the project, including clients, instructors, mentors, and lab technicians.
5. Efficiency: Team members will utilize team tools and resources effectively.
- Team members will return tools and materials to their proper place of storage.
- Team members will take advantage of the resources offered by instructors, course librarians, and communication instructors.
6. Communication: Team members will communicate effectively in order to achieve all of the above.
- Team members will make sure that everyone fully understands the final project goals before working on specific components so that everyone can keep the final design in perspective.
- Team members will be honest about challenges facing an idea. No idea is perfect, and miscommunication will only make the problem worse in the long run.
- At the same time, team members will be respectful of each other when providing feedback on an idea.
Blue team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
1. Honesty - We will only present results that we have experimentally proven and confirmed
2. Communication - Task forces will keep the team informed on progress and will be honest when admitting they are not meeting deadlines for deliverables.
3. Work Ethic - Everyone will strive for an equitable workload on the team and the leaders will focus on this in determining task forces.
4. Budget - We will budget for specific time lines and will not exceed our agreed upon budget without a team meeting confirming a need.
5. Teamwork - We will work together, especially in task forces, to achieve our tasks, and we expect our teammates to do all they can to meet our end goals.
6. Decision Making - We will make decisions as a group based on agreed selection methods (Pugh charts, etc) and will allot time for team discussion before making decisions.
7. Behavior - We will respect others ideas and will evaluate proposals based solely on their merit.
8. Co-ordination - We will work cohesively as task forces and will have open communication about availability and ability to help complete task.
9. Purchasing - Purchases must be pre-approved by the financial office of your team in order to be reimbursed. Small purchases (<$15) may be made without permission of the financial officer if they are urgently required.
10. Consider Environmental Impact of Construction - We will consider the environmental impact of our product and make an effort to minimize it.
11. Health - Health and safety shall be a top priority in and out of lab. Tools and machines in lab should only be used if the team member knows how to use them or with assistance from a lab instructor. Safety goggles shall be worn at all times in lab, and team members should look out to be sure safety is being practiced.
Yellow team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
1. Teamwork and Cooperation
i. Team members will show each other respect in the pursuit of a common goal, and address each other politely and respectfully.
ii. If a teammate requests help and it does not place an unreasonable burden on the person of whom it is requested, then that person will help the teammate.
2. Individual Value
i. Team members will always strive to see the talents and virtues of each of his or her teammates.
ii. Team members have the right to feel comfortable in the team environment, and not to feel threatened or isolated in any way.
3. Honesty and Integrity
i. Team members will report accurately and completely on all matters. Any problems must be properly highlighted, and reported to the group as soon as they are discovered.
ii. Team members will behave in a manner consistent with the M.I.T. policies on academic integrity.
4. Work Habits
i. Team members will respect all 2.009 and Pappalardo staff; this includes heeding all directions and instructions, and vacating the laboratory area when required.
ii. Each team member will clean his or her mess and tidy the workspace after use, including return of tools used to their appropriate place in the tool chest.
iii. Each team member will fulfill his or her assigned task, and complete his or her fair portion in small-team work. No team member will have to bear an augmented workload resulting from the inability of a teammate to satisfy this requirement.
5. Timeliness
i. Team members will be aware of and respect the time constraints of those with whom they work.
ii. Team members will be punctual and immediately make teammates aware if their availability changes.
6. Finances
i. All financial decisions will be approved by both financial officers.
ii. No team member will make a purchase on the team budget without first consulting the financial officers.
7. Decision-Making
i. Decisions will be made collectively. If a team member does not agree with a team decision, he or she has the right to present his or her opinion for fair consideration.
8. Safety
i. No team member will do anything inside or outside of lab that will endanger his/herself, any member of the team, or any other persons in any other way.
Pink team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- Team members will only give constructive criticism to critique the ideas and opinions of teammates and others.
- Team members will give full attention when other members are speaking and will not have side conversations via voice, computer, or phone communications.
- Team members will respect the individual strengths and weaknesses of their fellow team members.
- Team members will not demand a teammate undertake a task that is beyond that individual’s capacity.
- Team members will fully focus on their given team tasks and will assist teammates when appropriate such as if a team member is falling behind or is asking for help.
- Team members be willing to work on concepts that are new to them as well as gain new skills to further advance the team.
- Team members will share the team workload equally.
- Team members will keep team safety as a priority by recognizing and avoiding dangerous situations in lab.
- Team members will be focused, thoughtful, and well rested while using machinery.
- Team members will keep the work area clean and hazard-free.
- Team members will wear safety glasses and closed-toed shoes at all times in lab.
- Team members will recognize when they are in need of sleep, food, or hygienic practices and act accordingly.
- Team members will create a product that is safe to use. This will be accomplished by analyzing safety risks at every step in the design process, addressing these concerns with the group, and acting to account for these risks.
- Members should not miss more than one group meeting every two weeks.
- Members should complete group projects and tasks in a timely manner so that review and corrections are possible.
- Group projects and tasks assigned a week or more in advance should be completed 3 hours before due time.
- Group projects and tasks assigned less than a week in advance so be completed 1 hour before due time.
- Members should consider 2.009 of at least equal importance to all classes they are enrolled in this term.
- Members should display team pride by wearing a noticeable pink article of clothing or accessory on Key Dates.
- Team members will strive to obtain the highest quality of product and presentation.
- Team members will ensure that all aspects of the end product have technical support (i.e. data, consumer feedback, etc.) for inclusion in the product; there will be no arbitrary decisions made.
- Team members will ensure excellence and quality, by verifying design decisions with at least one other person before implementation.
- Team members will record design decisions in their design notebooks.
- Team members will ensure quality by performing consumer testing on all product features.
- Team members will represent themselves and their colleagues honestly.
- Team members will speak truthfully when presenting and will not misreport any data collected.
- Team members will avoid academic dishonesty as described by MIT.
- Team members will submit accurate peer, team, and instructor reviews.
- Our team will be professional in the conduct of our meetings, interactions with customers and collaborators, and the presentation of our ideas.
- Our team meetings will be on time, efficient, and we will use data to make informed decisions.
- Our team will treat customers and collaborators as mentors, and we will respect and consider their opinions.
- Our presentations will not withhold knowledge from the public, and we will strive to not be offensive to anyone.
- All team members will allocate team financial resources appropriately.
- All team members will be conscious about the way team resources are being used. Materials and other resources will be used in the most efficient way possible.
- All team members will abide by the Project Budget Rules as stated by the course administrator.
- All team members will only use project budget money for project purposes.
- All team members will be willing to expand their capabilities as engineers and product designers by learning skill sets they have never experienced or become proficient in.
- All team members will strive to improve their conduct in a professional setting.
Orange team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
The 2.009 Orange Team will uphold the following ethics:
- Safety: Team members will take an active role in looking out for each other’s well-being, health, safety, and happiness. Doing so is a top priority.
Team members will engage in appropriate tool use and conscientious behavior to maintain a safe work environment.
- Diligence: All team members will work hard and find ways to be proactive in contributing to the team.
Team members will be honest with each other about their skills, abilities, and time commitments, and, accordingly, contribute as much as possible.
All team members will communicate what interests and challenge them, so that we can group around work accordingly. Team members should keep the team’s ultimate goal in mind, asking themselves how their task relates to the big picture. Further, team members should stay up-to-date with the team's progress and deadlines in order to make the most appropriate contribution
Team members will work toward creating a productive and enjoyable 2.009 experience for the team as a whole.
- Execution: All team members will be held accountable for the responsibilities they take on and will be expected to complete assigned tasks.
In order to keep the team on schedule, team members must complete tasks they take on by the assigned due date or earlier, as decided by the team.
Team members will maintain communication with the rest of the group, letting the team know the status of their task when appropriate, alerting the team to any projected delays as soon as they occur, and asking for help when necessary.
- Honesty: All team members will have honest and open communication among the team.
When updating the group, team members will accurately relate the progress of their work, present only accurate data, and reveal any problems they have encountered with the product. Significant obstacles to the team's success should be immediately shared with the team upon discovery.
The team will adhere to the MIT policies on academic integrity in reporting their work.
Budget money will be used in accordance with the course rules. All products acquired will be paid for appropriately and used only for the purposes of the project. The team will make returns in good faith only.
- Obligation to voice opinion: If a team member does not agree with what is happening or questions something, they have an obligation to voice their concerns to the rest of the team.
Team members should voice disagreements they may have, making clear to the team their reasoning, so that the team as a whole understands each other and can make the best decisions possible.
The team will consider all possibilities and concerns when making decisions, actively seeking out the input of the members. Decisions will be made based on data, experience, and solid reasoning. Reasons for making decisions will be made clear to the team.
Team members will ensure they share a common vision before spending significant time devoted to individual contributions.
- Respect: All team members will regard each other with respect.
When interacting and working, team members will respect each other's personal choices, interests, opinions, and skill levels.
Team members will communicate with teach other respectfully and constructively, even in times of disagreement.
Team members will treat individuals and organizations graciously and respectfully, representing the team's work an ethical manner.
- Balance: All team members must strive for an appropriate balance between outside obligations and 2.009 responsibilities. Sleep is required.
Team members will be honest with each other about their skills, abilities, time commitments, and availability for meetings. Team members should not take on more than they can knowingly handle. Team members will treat each others’ time with respect as well.
Team members should absolutely take care of their own health and happiness first, so that they can be well-functioning, respectful, and reliable team members.
- Coordination: Team members will find ways to work together as effectively and openly as possible.
Individuals will keep track of assignments and deadlines in order to know when the team should meet and come to final decisions. Further, team members should attempt to understand the product vision and components as well as possible so that work can be better planned out ahead of time.
Team members will communicate their strengths and weaknesses so they can contribute to tasks effectively. Once individuals have taken on necessary tasks, they will complete them before contributing to other team goals.
Every assigned task force will have clearly stated objectives and expectations for members. Within task forces, individuals will update other members with work they have completed and what is left to be done.
Purple team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- All team members shall respect lab safety rules, including, but not limited to, wearing safety goggles and closed-toe shoes, and shall respect the judgment of the safety officers.
- Team members shall operate machines only when in a clear mental state.
- All decisions shall be made with the team’s best interest in mind and be based on the quality and feasibility of the idea.
- Team members shall respect and appreciate skill sets, abilities and opinions of others by offering constructive feedback and guidance in a non-patronizing and friendly manner.
- Two team members per week shall bring a snack to the team outside of lab to share with their teammates according to a schedule set by the system integrator.
- Team members shall be respectful of other members’ ideas and property.
- All criticism and opinion will be presented in a constructive manner providing reason and fact, not just opinion. Team members will attempt to learn and grow from criticism.
- The team shall respect and adhere to the 2.009 budget code of conduct.
- Team members shall respond in a timely manner to emails, especially adhering to response deadlines stated in the email.
- Team members shall inform the team when they are unable to attend team meetings at least 12 hours in advance.
- In meetings, team members shall be respectful towards each other and not be distracted.
Professional Integrity:
- Team members shall be respectful towards other teams and other teams’ materials and tools.
- Team members shall obey the MIT Academic Integrity policies.
- Team members will properly document all sources of information, including the Internet, survey, and personal interviews. The Information Officers will verify these sources and remind people to keep thorough documentation.
Consumer Relations:
- Team members will treat all clients and client ideas with respect, regardless of the member’s personal opinion.
- Team members will remember at all times that the goal of the product is to improve consumer lives. Team members will not sacrifice quality of product or its ability to help people for quick or inexpensive fixes.
- Team members will respect customers’ privacy when interviewing and presenting survey/interview results.
- Team members will strive to keep product price low in order to help more consumers.
- Team members shall post research results to the wiki.
- The wiki shall be kept well-organized by the Wiki Masters. The Wiki Masters should rearrange the files and folders weekly to maintain order.
- Team members shall keep a positive purple spirit while working.
- Team members shall support each other to make 2.009 the best experience it can be.
- Team members shall all strive to make a quality product, address consumer needs, and learn about the design process throughout the semester AKA make Team Purple the best!
Silver team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
Silver shall
- Be honest and impartial in decisions,
- Work effectively towards a common goal
- Value teamwork and help others out when possible
- While still having some fun.
A) Honesty:
Tell it like it is - no sugar coating. (If something exploded, don’t say there was a small hiccup)
Ensure that you do not sugar coat your own ideas (Tell both good and bad sides)
Make decisions objectively; don’t let bias or emotions get in the way.
B) Working Habits:
Use common sense so work space is safe and efficient.
Clean up after yourself. Unfortunately, there is no cleaning fairy.
Listen to safety officers, wear safety glasses and put hair up. Safety officers make the final call.
After you have used an object in either the toolbox or the tool cabinet, return the object to its original location. (Still no cleaning fairy!) Tell one of the tool officers if you need the tool area to be replenished.
No horse-playing in lab. Know how to use each tool properly.
If you are unsure about how to use a specific tool, ask either a member of the team or a shop manager.
C) Budget:
Use money according to the course purchasing code of ethics, no matter how much we wish to test with real liquor.
Don’t make significant purchases without agreement of the team. ($50 or more)
Be prepared to justify urgent purchasing decisions, be it due to a need for fast shipping
Financial Office will updated the team on money situations.
D) Teamwork:
“Team members shall recognize the value of a team and work towards a collective positive end.”
Get your work done on time, doing a thorough and complete job, so the team can stay on schedule; if you don’t think you can meet the deadline and do a complete job, reach out for help! (Let people know. There will also be a hosed calendar for everyone)
Communicate effectively with the team so everyone knows the pertinent details of the various task forces.
Be proactive. There are lots of opportunities for individuals to step up and take responsibility. If you see that something needs to get done, help out.
Keep in mind that each individual’s component affects everybody else’s grade and final product.
Be responsive to e-mail and phone at all times unless absolutely impossible.
Be prepared to work frequently outside of scheduled lab hours. Work time you don’t put in, others have to.
E) Behavior:
Tell everyone when you are hosed or need sleep. People can help each other get work done.
Respect each other - no harassment of members.
Be constructive and efficient, but fun is allowed from time to time.
Work through disagreements fairly; make them about the project and don’t make it personal.
Be respectful and professional towards instructors, vendors, contacts, and audiences.
Stay positive and open-minded toward different points of view.
Maintain integrity of the team and yourself.
F) Consideration:
Keep everything in perspective while working towards the common goal.
The common goal is defined as the vision the group has set forth for the project, which will be
decided as a team.
Don’t overreach what’s beyond the scope of the class. (Like turn it into a chemistry or 10 year