Team Code of Ethics

A code of ethics is a code of behavior or conduct justified according to a reasoned value system. In addition to the course's code of ethics for purchases, each team has a code of ethics that defines guiding values for how they will work with each other in 2.009. Links to each team's code of ethics are provided below.
In addition, you may want to read the 2008 orange team's code of ethics, or perhaps the 2007 Green Team's code of un-ethics. Also, checkout the ASME professional code of ethics.
Red team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
The 2.009 Red Team shall uphold the following principles:- Respect: Act with dignity
Respect each other's opinions and promote an atmosphere of open conversation in all group events.
Respect the workplace and clean up after use. - Initiative: Take action with a purpose
Show initiative in pursuing tasks, even without explicit instructions, as long as they are aligned with the team's vision and priorities.
Volunteer to aid in other responsibilities for the team if a task is finished ahead of schedule. - Honesty: Speak the truth
Be honest about time commitments that conflict with the team schedule.
Be held responsible for the accurate reporting of team progress to the team and system integrators.
Comply with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology policies on academic integrity.
- Decision Making: Make educated decisions
Consensus shall be reached by rational informative discussion facilitated by the system integrators and lab instructors.
Decisions affecting the team's time or resources should be approved by the team, system integrators, or instructors.- Communication: Speak up and listen
Inform each other of work in progress and risks that arise while working in task forces via meetings and/or team e-mail list.
Regularly update the team on progress and any set backs that may occur via meetings and/or team e-mail list.- Timeliness: Value time as a resource
Attend meetings and complete tasks on time.
Be accountable for the notification and resolution of scheduling conflicts.- Awareness: Know what is occurring
Put forth an effort to be aware of the status of other team members and task forces.
Have an individual responsibility to be aware of deliverables and meetings, as well as fulfill all responsibilities associated with them.- Optimism: Enjoy the work
Have a positive attitude even in difficult times.
Everyone is responsible for maintaining the high morale of the group. - Decision Making: Make educated decisions
Green team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- Integrity
– We shall be open and honest, to other team members, our customer, and the 2.009 staff, in representing values measured or observed.
– We shall be honest in all financial matters.
– We shall represent honestly all progress, as well as all problems encountered.
– Each team member shall individually act in a way that improves the team's reputable standing. - Responsibility
– We shall work to create products for bettering the quality of life for the users and all those affected.
– We shall expend the minimal required energy consumption to meet safety and technical needs.
– We shall ensure that all work is conducted safely and properly.
– Each team member shall come to lab punctually, prepared to offer studied input.
– Each team member shall take on a fair share of team tasks, while remaining mindful of other commitments and not taking on too many tasks to be handled. - Respect
– We shall be respectful in all interactions with potential users and customers.
– We shall ensure that all team members have the opportunity to voice their opinions in meetings.
– Each team member shall take other members' opinions and thoughts seriously.
– Each team member shall respect team areas and use them appropriately. - Communication
– We shall take care to document building and testing processes.
– We shall not make decisions before every team member is informed of all critical issues.
– Each team member shall take time to read and consider team email messages, and respond appropriately.
– Each team member shall keep the rest of the team informed of individual or task force progress.
Blue team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
The 2009 2.009 Blue Team will uphold the following principles:- Honesty: Team members will be honest about all aspects of the project, especially including
testing, time commitment, and feedback.
Team members will not bias results during product tests, and will report all results to teammates. If questions remain unanswered or if test results are inconclusive, team members will perform rigorous testing to answer these questions.
Team members will be clear about the time they can commit to the class and will honor all time commitments made to the team.
Team members will be honest with each other about individual and team progress; feedback must be provided with justification and framed in a relevant and constructive manner that will benefit the feedback recipient(s). - Respect:Team members will respect all teammates, classmates, course staff, and other
individuals and organizations with whom we may interact.
Team members will remain open-minded and will listen to and respect the opinions of their teammates.
Team members will refrain from making negative comments that may be interpreted in a hurtful manner.
Team members will respect the Blue Team lab bench, tools, and equipment, as well as the lab bench, tools, and equipment of other teams, in order to maintain a safe and productive work space.
Team members will respect each others' time and will strive to work effectively and efficiently. - Teamwork: team members will work collectively towards a common goal.
Team members will delegate tasks to ensure that all team members remain involved in the project process. Team members will work to meet deadlines and ensure that the team remains on schedule.
Team members will remain in constant communication with each other via email, chat, or wiki updates to ensure that the team remains informed of each member's progress.
Team members will work together and provide assistance when and where they can; team members will also ask for assistance if needed. - Safety: Team members will ensure that safe laboratory practices are observed.
Team members will always wear lab-appropriate clothing and personal protective gear when working in lab.
Team members will consult with both safety officers when working with foreign chemicals and materials, and will provide safety officers with an MSDS for the chemical/material. - Financial Responsibility: Team money will only be used to make purchases for materials
required for the team project.
All purchases must be approved by the team and documented accordingly to ensure that the team remains within the budget specified by the course administration and finance officers. Purchases may only be returned in their original unused condition. - Customer Collaboration: Team members will remain in continuous contact with customers to
solicit feedback and refine customer needs.
- Shared vision: Team members will maintain a clear and shared vision of their project.
Team members will ensure that teammates fully understand topics of discussion before moving on to the next topic; conversely, team members must speak up if part of a group discussion is unclear and could lead to a conflicting project vision.
Yellow team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- Punctuality
We will meet all deadlines and meetings with punctuality. We will strive to complete all work on time, at all times. We will also show up to meetings on time, and commence meetings on-time in the interest of efficiency. - Attitude
We will respect one another at all times. This is especially relevant when expressing opinions and working together in groups.
We will attempt to be positive at all times - phrase criticism and concerns with a positive improvement.
We will focus on portraying ideas as collective vs. individual. Each contribution we make is for the development of the best possible product possiblefor the team, and each decision made is for the benefit of the team, and has no bearing on the value we place on the individual.
We will trust one another to complete projects on time and put forth their best effort at all times. - Communication
We will develop a consistent method of sharing information. Eg - all minutes are found on the wiki, and all deadlines are listed on the google calendar.
Each officer will provide an update of their activities to the group at the beginning of each lab section.
Desired purchases over $100 must be approved by the financial officer, and reported to the group.
We will have an open line of communication between members. Each member should feel comfortable approaching other members with whom they have concerns or questions.
We will notify team members if there are conflicts with meetings, or inabilities to complete work. - Distribution
We will distribute work according to workload and appropriateness of skill-set.
Work will be distributed as evenly as possible, while keeping workload and skillset in mind. - Responsibility
We will assign the work in a way that leads to the most effective distribution possible.
Everyone will participate at least once at each meeting. - Proactivity
Team members will be proactive in seeking information on tasks and deadlines.
Team members will not wait to be delegated tasks and shall be upfront with questions and concerns. - Decision Making
We will refrain from voting whenever possible. Decisions will be made through pugh charts, evaluating intensity of preferences, and anonymous voting.
Yellow team code of unethics
- We shall not respect our elders, especially Barry the Noble and Rich the Wise.
- We shall build all our modules blindfolded.
- We shall attend all meetings wearing headphones listening to the loudest music possible.
- We shall not wear clothing of any kind, as machining is best done in the nude.
- We shall not clean up after ourselves when machining and at our team table, the table has an ugly finish anyway.
- We shall not be sober in Pappalardo, the best discoveries have been made while under the influence.
- We shall shun all non-believers.
- We shall run with scissors, and throw sharp objects around the lab whenever available.
- We shall make every effort to?
- We shall not spend money on the project and only use materials from nature in order to save for a trip to Cancun.
- We shall supply vampires their blood cold.
- Vampires shall not 'sparkle'
Pink team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- We will uphold integrity and honesty with our product in all forms of
communication with students, faculty, potential consumers, and mentors during
all stages of development and construction.
- We will make major decisions as an entire team, considering all design
possibilities to make an objective, well-reasoned decision. We will be willing to
make changes if an appropriate improvement is found, even if we have strong
momentum in another direction.
- We will actively listen to and understand what our team members and mentors
have to say.
- We will be as clear as possible when communicating ideas and be sure to
carefully chose the best way to convey information whether it be using visual
aids, calculations or another method.
- We will stay organized and follow through with commitments as individuals
and as ad hoc teams, updating the Wiki with both progress and setbacks during
the week between lab meetings to ensure every team member is up to date on
all relevant information.
- We will give credit to original thinker(s) of ideas.
- We will provide direct, honest and constructive criticism to team members
throughout the design process and ensure that we avoid excessive praise.
- We will create functional and intuitive products that will provide worthwhile aid
in an emergency focusing on: customer needs, safety of the end user, and
benefitting people.
- We will consider the full product life cycle (idea -> production-> consumer ->
recycle) in our design to ensure a sustainable product.
- We will keep everyone involved and active in all aspects of product
development whenever possible.
- We will understand all safety aspects and minimize them for both the students designing the products and for consumers of the final product.
Orange team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
- Experience
Team members will strive for a productive, educational, and fun experience for
all members as we work together to the completion of a successful project.
The 2.009 Key Goals, as described on the website, will be kept in mind
understanding how tasks fit into the final product.
- Behavior
Team members will abide by the golden rule: treating others the way we want to
be treated.
Members will listen when others are speaking to uphold the value of respect.
When discussing ideas, members will constructively criticize ideas objectively,
being courteous but still open and vocal about mistakes and successes.
Team members will behave in a professional manner, working towards a
common goal.
Team members will not discriminate against any individual on the team, or
associated with the project based because of their on race, or gender, or creed.
When discussing ideas, members shall provide constructive criticism. Team
members shall also strive to remain objective when providing or receiving
- Coordination
Meetings shall be scheduled to minimize conflict. Attendees shall be notified of
the meeting at least 48 hours in advance, when possible, and meeting conflicts
must be announce at least 2 hours in advance. Tardiness and unexcused
absences will be recorded on the wiki and may be referred to during peer
reviews. Members who miss meetings or come late are encouraged to bring
snacks to the next meeting or take a larger role in the preparation for the next
meeting and will be responsible to catch up with any missed material. Failure to
adequately catch up may also be reflected in peer reviews.
- Integrity
Team members will cite all sources from which we have received help and be
honest in our representation of data.
- Decision-Making
Team members will understand that decision-making helps bring the team
closer to its vision. Members should make decisions once all members have had
an adequate chance to contribute. When time allows, a consensus of total
agreement or "buy in" will be attempted. As a last resort, members will vote to
resolve issues.
In time-sensitive situations, voting can be used. If more than 1/4 of the team
disagrees, we will hold additional discussion or seek outside advice.
Once a final decision is made in a manner consistent with the team contract,
members will abide by that decision and commit to providing full support
regardless of personal preference.
- Lab Space Habits
Team members will keep leave lab space in as good or better condition than
they have found it.
Safety is top priority: Members will work in a manner that does not put
themselves or other members in danger. All team members are responsible for
looking out for safety of other members and are obligated to stop unsafe
behavior. Basic safety includes wearing close-toed shoes and wearing safety
Safety questions should be directed to the Safety Officer.
- Budget
Team members will abide by 2.009's code of ethics for purchases, as specified
on the website. More specifically, members will not abuse return policies and
spend only on purchases that advance the team towards our goals. At the end of
each meeting, the proposed purchases will be reviewed and voted on.
- Time Commitment
Team members will put in at least 12 hours/week for the class and respond
quickly to requests from other team members. The balance between 2.009 and
other classes and activities is up to each individual member and will be
respected. Personal health should be prioritized.
Finally, the difference between face time and how hard a person works may not
directly correlate and members will keep this in mind. If individuals are not
performing up to par, team members will constructively inform these individuals
to help the individual and the team succeed.
Purple team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
Team members will uphold the principles of honesty, integrity and dignity by:- Treating fellow team members, advisers and contacts (e.g. users, experts) with respect and consideration.
- Being responsible of their own tasks, being mindful that they are also responsible for contributing to the overall success of the team.
- Being truthful about their time commitments and informing the team at least 12 hours in advance if a foreseen problem interferes with their commitment, such that other team members can help. Grace will be given to team members with a tough week, as determined by the system integrator on a case-by-case basis, but not for more than 3 repeated instances.
- Using their knowledge and skill creatively, analytically, and candidly to deliver meritable work.
- Giving credit to outside sources that provide beneficial information, sharing the sources with the team, and ensuring that the information can be legally and ethically re-used.
- Voicing their opinions thoughtfully in team discussions and providing feedback promptly, honestly and constructively when issues arise. Team members will always keep an open-mind and listen to what others have to say and if receiving feedback, consider the reasons for receiving the feedback.
- Continuously maintaining open and honest communication among their task forces and the overall team of their findings and progress while keeping current with the progress of the other task forces. Team members will be frank about undesirable findings and seek positive and constructive ways of addressing them. Team members will also acknowledge areas in which they have expertise when it becomes apparent and actively provide the expert help and feedback as needed.
- Avoiding engaging in activities that endanger the life, safety, or security of themselves or another team member and helping other team members to do the same.
- Decisions will be made with a 3/4 majority consensus on a given item or issue.
- Money will be spent only when it is crucial to the success of the team and/or team project. Team members will not make purchases greater than$100 until the team has been notified of the expense, and has been discussed and agreed upon by the involved task force by a unanimous consensus.
Situations and disputes will be resolves first within the parties involved. If a solution or consensus cannot be reached, it will be taken up first with the system integrators, then the lab instructors and mentors of the course. Failure to abide by the code of ethics will be brought up with the offending parties and the course instructors. It will be reflect on the team member's peer review and could have serious consequences on their grade.
Silver team code of ethics (formatted .pdf version)
We, as the 2.009 Silver Team, promise to uphold:
Respect: Team members must respect and appreciate each other's time, viewpoints, and efforts.
Team members will be punctual and timely in working towards milestones; they will notify each other about lateness and absences.
Team members will leave personal feelings aside, act cordially, and will not attack another teammate for failure.
The team will keep criticism impersonal and resolve conflicts in a civil manner.
Team Work: All team members will actively communicate with and seek to help each other to
maximize the efficiency of the team.
Team members will observe and uphold the organization of the team's structure.
Work will be delegated or requested based on each member's availability and ability.
Team members will always work with parallel purpose and actively seek new tasks upon completion of prior assignments.
Honesty: Members of the team shall always be actively honest with themselves, the entire team, and all interested parties in 2.009.
Team members must make an honest evaluation of their own skills and should ask for help when necessary.
Team members must disclose concerns, give honest feedback to the team and make an effort to not
withhold pertinent information. Likewise, excessive praise should be avoided.
All behavior shall remain within the bounds of professional standards and Massachusetts Institute of Technology academic integrity policies.
Resource Management: The team should strive to allocate money and time efficiently at all times and avoid reinventing the wheel.
All purchases should be made with specific purposes and according to 2.009 purchasing guidelines.
The entire team must approve all large expenditures. Individuals and task forces may use their own judgment for smaller purchases.
Team members will use management tools such as Gantt charts and weekly budget updates to effectively keep track of resource flow.
Accountability: The team, and each team member, shall always accept responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof.
Team members are allowed ownership of ideas, but not overreaching entitlement.
Team members will avoid shirking responsibility for their assigned tasks.
Team members will always come to lab and meetings prepared because the team is always accountable for the final product.
Decisions: The team should make it a priority to reach consensus when making significant decisions.
Team members should be rational and acknowledge all assumptions when making decisions.
All team members should be encouraged to participate in discussions and meetings so that thorough and diverse input is provided during the decision making process.
The team should not revisit decisions without new information.
Clarity of vision: The team’s goals should be accurately defined and undergo revision when needed so that all team members have a clear idea of the team needs and schedule.
The team should leave 2.009 with a finished and polished product.
Each team member should state his or her contribution at the end of the week.
Team members should all be aware of all aspects of the product so as to be equally knowledgeable during presentations and reviews.
Team members should always strive to make something they are proud of and be able to justify their actions.
Maintain Safety: The team must ensure safety both in the lab during the development of the product(s) and during its use, intended or not, by the user.
During the design phase, the team must ensure the product safety is up to the standards set by appropriate and applicable regulatory bodies.
The team will maintain a clean and orderly workspace, observe the rules of the Papallardo laboratories, engage in safe machine shop practices including identifying and being mindful of hazards, as well as make use of and post the MSDS for any and all hazardous material used in the product of the construction thereof.
If any work being done in lab or design options seem unsafe, the team member witnessing the unsafe conditions or use case shall notify the team Safety Officer.